Its one thing to rebel against God as an individual; but it is whole other matter when people gather together with purpose and unity in order to do reject God. Even in our legal system, there is a difference between an individual committing a crime, and a group "conspiring" together to break the law. Conspiracy even carries its own punishment.
In Gen 11 we have a conspiracy to rebel against God: “Lets build ourselves a city, and make a name for ourselves.” Nothing leads to good results when we are self-centered. In fact, some of the point was to build a stairway that reached to the heavens, or in essence be equal status with God. Needless to say, the Trinity thwarted this rebellious scheme.
However, in his judgment there is some wisdom to be extracted- for good. God declares that people with a common language and purpose can achieve anything they plan. This is the importance of the church having unity in values and purpose. If in unity people can achieve any evil plan, how much more, can the people of God achieve with unity?
Dear Jesus, help to unite with others to achieve your purposes in earth. Forgive me for any scheming and conspiring that I have done with others to rebel against you or even to slander and defame others. Reveal to me the power of unity, and let me be part of Your Unity here on earth.