Aren't you glad that the Psalms gives us a song to sing when don't feel like singing? A song for when we sin- a song of confession. Confession's Song is Humanity's song, for we all have a need to sing it- and sing it often. Confession is what restores our relationship with God, and the lyrics of this song chart a course that guides us from a fall back to the heart of God.
Before the lyrics begin in verse one, the Bible gives an introduction to this song. We are told that David wrote this after he was confronted by the Nathan the prophet, for his adulterous affair with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband to cover it up (2 Samuel 12). The narrative tells that Nathan got there around the time of the birth of the son conceived during the affair, so about nine months have gone by since the sin took place. Nine months have gone by without David confessing his sin. We may be alright living without confession, but God isn't.
The confrontation of sin and the judgment of God break up the dam of unconfessed sin. The result is a song that even though is painful to sing, it restores our relationship with God (Ps. 51.8). The song establishes a process for all of us to wash and cleanse so we can get a new heart and a renewed spirit that is aware of God's presence.
The only way to get back to God's presence is to sing the song of confession. No offerings and no sacrifices can make things right, what God desires is a "broken spirit and a contrite heart" (Ps. 51:17). The song is also a promise, that when we sing confession, God hears, God forgives and God cleanses. (1 John 1:9).
Aren't you glad that God breaks up the dam of denial? Aren't you glad that we are given a song to sing when we don't feel like singing?