Scripture provides us with a formula for attaining great wealth. In 1 Timothy 6:6, if we have Godliness (Christ-likeness) and we add Contentment (satisfaction with what we have) we will be the possessors of "great gain."
Contentment could be defined as: to be satisfied, to be find pleasure in what we currently have.
Which is easier: to be godly or to be content? I must admit, I find contentment to be elusive. Dissatisfaction with what I have can creep up undetected. Whereas in my personal life I tend to guard against sin, I don't think I have set up my "sin-radar" to detect a lack of contentment. Dissatisfaction, just never appeared threatening. But, it is clear that a lack of contentment will rob us of real wealth.
We tend to be more familiar with godliness-training (1 Timothy 4:7-8). But Paul also declares that contentment is "learned" something to be trained at (Philippians 4:11-12). We need to learn contentment in "all circumstances." Contentment is a spiritual life-skill.
Dear Jesus, I desire "great gain," this real wealth. Teach me to be content, to be satisfied, to enjoy what you freely give to me. Help me, may Holy Spirit convict me when I am not walking in contentment. Teach me this secret of being content for it is the secret of being wealthy.