Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Insider" Relationship With An "Outsider" Mentality

In the Gospel of Matthew 8:5-13 we witness an "outsider," [outsider to the Jewish culture] a Roman Centurion was asking Jesus for help, for his servant in "terrible suffering." Jesus offers to go with him to his home, to treat him as an "insider," but the man responds expectantly- no I am not worthy to have you under my roof, I am not worthy of being an "insider."

Being an "outsider" played in his favor. He did not have any prior, self-imposed limitations to what Jesus the Man/God could do. All "insiders" often asked Jesus to touch and heal. Healing was connected (and limited) to proximity. The "outsider" did not even need proximity; he knew that Jesus must have God-Authority and therefore, could heal in a way never witnessed by anyone else.

What if we had "Insider" Relationship With An "Outsider" Mentality? What if he had the affiliation and connection with Jesus without the being routinely limited to what we are used to.

C.S. Lewis points out in the Chronicles of Narnia that God does not always do things in the same way. God is not limited to what we are used to, in fact, Scripture says that He is always doing new things (Isa 43:19), in new ways.

Dear Jesus, help me to be an "insider" in relationship, but an "outsider" in expectations. To allow you to move in mysterious ways. My affinity with you may be familiar, but the destiny you are carving out for me is on the outside of what I am used to.

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