Thursday, March 11, 2010

E13 Gen 42 – Leaving Room For God To Be Our Avenger

Is there anything that stirs anger in our hearts more than injustice? It's evident that the human heart was made in the image of a God of Justice; just look at the strong, immediate reactions that we have whenever we perceive injustice. Ironically, even people who do not believe in "moral absolutes" are absolutely sure that injustice is wrong and not to be tolerated. Deep within our hearts there is written code against injustice.

The story of Joseph early life is made up of injustice followed by more and more injustice: sold into slavery by his brothers, thrown in jail for doing the right thing, and once there forgotten by the people whom he helped. If anyone had the right to be an angry, vengeful person in the Bible it was Joseph.

I wonder how much did Joseph sulk in anger towards his brothers? Did he plan his revenge against them someday? Did he pray to God that he could someday pay them back? The Bible story doesn't say, but it does say what he did when he met again some 20 years later.

Joseph decided to observe his brothers before deciding what do. He had the advantages of the brothers not recognizing him, and pretending not to understand their language by using an interpreter. After three days the brothers acknowledged among themselves they were reaping the consequences of their sin against Joseph and that they were giving an accounting of his blood (Gen 42:21-22). Joseph was able to observe their sorrow and grief over what they had done to him. Their anguish moved Joseph to go away and weep (Gen. 42:24).

God had done for Joseph what he could never do himself. He changed the hearts of his offenders, and in doing so also changed his. Joseph discovered that God is our avenger and defender. God also instructs us to allow Him the room He needs to defend us.

Romans 12:19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"  says the Lord. When we seek our revenge we get on God's way to display his perfect wrath and vengeance.

Vengeance belongs to God and not us. If not careful we can prevent God from establishing his Justice, and helping us.

How I wish this wasn't true. How difficult it is for me to get out of God's way. Vengeance has the appearance of being easier when done by ourselves. But when I seek my own defense and vengeance, I make matters worse than they were before. 

Lord, how I need to learn to make room for you.  You can defend me better than I can.


Questions For Reflection:

  1. Am I my own protector or is God my protector and defender?




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