Wednesday, February 24, 2010

E3 - Gen 6 & 7 - Can A Person Comfort God?

Did you know that the Hebrew name Noah means comfort?   Can a person really bring comfort to God?

This passage of Scripture indicates that this is what Noah did.  Prior to the flood, we are given a descriptions of the heart of mankind and the heart of God.  Mankind's heart is wicked, with every inclination towards only evil all the time.  (Gen. 6:5)

In the other hand, God's heart was filled with with the pain of regret.  The "Lord was grieved that he made man on the earth."  Furthermore, his heart was filled with so much pain that God began to contemplate erasing humanity in the same way that we long to delete any source of grief.

I wonder if we would continue to sin, if we really could feel what God feels when we sin?  I hate the thought of bringing  grief and pain to God.  Maybe we should pray that God would allow us to feel what He feels when we sin, in order to learn not to harm God.

Interestingly, in the story, God's raw grief is interrupted by a man named "comfort," Noah.  Noah was able to comfort God's sorrow by living a righteous and blameless life and walking with God.  All of  which, was God's original intent for mankind.

God I want to comfort you with the same prescription that Noah dispensed. Because of your love for me I want to be a source of comfort and not grief.   I want to minister to you with a heart like Noah.  I want the honor of bringing comfort to you by doing "everything just as God commanded him."  Gen 6:22

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